27 July 2009

Drinking Water Containers – Fashionable & Eco-Friendly

You would think there’s not a decent source of water for thousands of miles, considering the billions of dollars we spend on bottled drinking water. Containers with a brand name attached give us the impression that somehow we are guaranteeing our safety or quality. Not only is this an expensive misperception, needlessly wasting our money and energy, we desecrate our planet and our environment.

Every year, Americans alone consume and dispose of 60,000,000 bottles daily. While the recycling emphasis is “fashionable”, only one out of 10 bottles actually gets recycled. The rest pile up in our landfills, potentially sitting there for the next millennium. Sadly, many not properly disposed of end up in the habitats of other life, detrimental to its existence.

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A Guide To Drinking Water Treatment System Alternatives

Have you ever wondered what the best drinking water treatment system is? Each will guarantee you the cleanest and purest, all with good reasons. The question remains, what is the best one for you? It is not easy to say; after all, what you drink comes from different areas and the risks vary from place to place. Just some of the many alternatives are explored below.

An ion exchange, or softener, can reduce and even eliminate hard elements such as calcium, magnesium, and iron; some can also remove fluoride and nitrate. This is carried out by resin beads coated with ions which chemically bond and eliminate what passes through. Due to the chemical nature of this process, high traces of sodium might result; such can also deny you minerals which can actually benefit your body instead of harm.

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Drinking Water - Safety Guidelines To Consider

When it comes to drinking water, safety should come first. For most of you reading this article, chances are you live in a country where every measure is taken to deliver the healthiest possible to our homes and faucets. However, this should not lead us into such a false sense of security that we shouldn’t take our own measures to keep our water healthy and safe.

You can easily find out more about the safety of drinking water in your local area. Most local suppliers are required to issue an annual water quality report, of which tells where your water comes from, what contaminants are in it, and what you can do to protect its purity. It also provides references for more in-depth information on these issues.

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24 July 2009

5 Intruders That Lurk In Drinking Water

It scares me to death to know there are thousands of toxic chemicals that can reside in drinking water. What goes down our drain and into our lakes, streams, and rivers doesn’t just go away. Making this worse, we add man-made chemicals deliberately for our “health”, not realizing the effects they can have on our bodies. Listed below, however, are five of the more common contaminants found.


Chlorine in drinking water is added by treatment centers to act as a disinfectant; this has been the standard in most developed countries for over a hundred years. While such is added for our “greater health” the effects it has on our bodies can be damaging. It can form with other organic matter creating harmful compounds, namely trihalomethanes, and especially chloroform (which causes cancer in the long-term).

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22 July 2009

Are You At Risk Without A Shower Filter?

It’s unbelievable how a simple shower filter can improve your overall well-being, both inside and out. Like I once did, you probably underestimate the effects shower water can have on your skin and hair, as well as what you breathe in and even the air quality in your home.

What is meant to be the good guy in our water can actually be quite a bad one in the world of bathing, namely chlorine. Such is added for treatment, to fight off and kill bacteria, as well as any other organic material. Essentially, chlorine is a bleaching solvent; it is a common ingredient in laundry detergent, swimming pools, and even used in chemical warfare. To put it another way, what is good for keeping your water clean is not necessarily good for keeping you clean.

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18 July 2009

The Best Water Filter – A Comparison Guide To Finding The Best One

Ever wondered how to find the best water filter? After all, every brand and type all make the same claim to deliver the purest and healthiest, all with equally sound arguments. What is one to do? Some of the most common types are listed below, listing their pros and cons, as well as a brief explanation. Perhaps, then, you can decide which the best water filter.

Reverse Osmosis

A trend of late, reverse osmosis involves pushing water through a membrane with extremely small pores under high pressure. In doing so, much of the harmful compounds are kept out (as they can’t pass through the pores); however, minerals which the body can benefit from are also retained. In many cases, other synthetic chemicals can also get through. As with most reverse osmosis filtration, a good percentage of water is wasted not having passed through, as much as 75%.

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15 July 2009

Healthy Water – Answer To 6 Common Ailments

Just imagine if you could find a natural remedy to the various, but common, physical afflictions endured in our fast-paced world. It is closer than you think, refreshing and healthy, water. Water makes up almost 70% of your body; every aspect of your body’s functioning depends on it. Therefore, what could be more natural in giving you life and healing? Consider the following ailments:

#1 Headaches

Your first instinct when your head is throbbing is to grab the nearest pain medication. Often a headache is your brain rationing water when you lack it, producing histamines. What seems counter-intuitive, pain medications (i.e. antihistamines) are merely telling your brain to “shut up”, not to mention producing side-effects. A glass of healthy water can relieve pain faster and cheaper.

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14 July 2009

7 Reasons For Drinking Water Regularly

Let’s face it, to say that drinking water is essential for life is a great understatement! Since water constitutes 60-70% of our body, surely it must do more than quench our thirst or refresh us after a hot day. There are more important, yet subtle reasons for pouring yourself another glass soon.

Nervous System

The body’s nervous system is, in short, a large series of water canals; its efficiency largely depends on how much of and the purity of what goes through it. Synthetic chemicals and other contaminants can literally block and distort nerve signals. Without water, signals are not carried as well to the brain. Doctors are now beginning to theorize that such is a cause for various disorders and diseases, such as ADD, anxiety, depression, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

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The Truth About Bottled Water – What Are You Buying?

It’s unbelievable how the bottled water fad has invaded the beverage mainstream and conquered most water fountains. Most of us are willing to spend over a dollar just to have pure, clean water; after all, water is essential for life and health. However, like many you might be asking “Is it really worth it?” I certainly have.

I was shocked to learn that the regulations for bottled water are less stringent than that from public taps. In fact, the FDA has limited power in validating and regulating the quality of these beverages. While some states and local jurisdictions have required reports and certifications (such as California), water companies often merely restrict their beverages within the borders. Worst yet, there are no federal laws prohibiting the presence of bacteria within these bottled drinks, unlike tap water. According to a four-year case study by the NRDC, having tested 1,000 bottles from 103 brands, it was found that a great deal of them contained bacteria and various contaminants.

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